Monday, August 4, 2008


So, the semifinals:

Round one was a mess for us - we were undercomped and had an 11 flick pitstop, subsequently only putting in a 3:13.

However, Fitz/Mellins had a good race and recorded an easy 3:09, putting them into second behind Surugue/Surugue with a 3:07.

On the second day of the semifinals the weather changed a bit, allowing for slightly faster air and the potential for quicker times. I had a hard draw with a Russian team and Kram/Chaika, but they had some overheating issues while we managed to finish it trouble free with a slightly quicker 3:07.

Thierry and Roland also had a superb race, running a genuine 3-up 3:05 in tough conditions, also putting them into the final.

The final was originally run at about 4:00, and started will with all teams in the air from the first flick. We had the slightly better airspeed in the centre, but not enough to overtake anyone I think. So, everything was going sweetly, and we had a good first stop, putting us into the lead by a lap or so. But, Surugue/Surugue dropped a catch (I think), and Thierry tripped over Pascal, putting both teams out. The Jury allowed us to finish the race 1-up, where we recorded a 6:15 or therabouts.

However, Ougen/Surugue put a protest in, which was upheld to give them a refly with us. So the 2-up final then began between us and Ougen/Surugue. Once more, both engines started first go and the airspeeds were close to identical. The second or third pitstop for Thierry and Roland was a tad slow on the restart, putting us ahead by 3 laps. Thankfully, nothing went wrong and we retained the lead through the race to record a 6:13.

Anyway, I can't really remembered what happened after that, so I'll just skip it...

1 comment:

Luisa said...

Congratulations, loser.