Monday, July 21, 2008

At last! Computer!

We're in La Spezia, which is a big town full of sailors.

Arrived in Milan after a boring flight, got lost on the Autostrata, found our way to Moderna, and discovered how cheap booze was.

Yesterday we went to Maranello for the factory tour, which was pretty impressive - not just a bunch of guys in front of Bridgeports. We were allowed to walk on the shop floor, amongst all the workers and machines, which was interesting. Folloing lunch at the factory restaurant we decided to take the scenic route from Moderna to La Spezia - big mistake. It was 150km of hairpins and 4m wide roads with crazy drivers. 3 hours in to it we had a head-on with a bus, which trashed the front of our Peugeot 407. Everyone was okay but the driver didn't speak English, while we didn't speak enough Italian, so sorting out insurance details took forever. Eventually we made our way to La Spezia, where we had multiple (full) glasses of Sambucca (at 2 Eu a glass!) before bed at some our this morning. Can't remember much more than that.

The weather is fantastic - 29 degrees and sunny.

Heading to Genova this morning to exchange cars and drop dad off before heading off to Monte Carlo, but without the scenic mountain passes!

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